Friday, November 1, 2013

That Time of the Month: Child's Play 2- You Can't Keep a Good Guy Down

That Time of the Month

Child's Play 2
You Can't Keep a Good Guy Down

By: Brandy S.

Child's Play 2 (1990)

It's been two years of bad times over at the toy company. I guess when a boy claims that one of your dolls killed a bunch of people it tends to put a damper on the profit margin. So, the almighty dollar drives us forward into part 2, as the toy company Play Pals is trying to uphold it's reputation by proving that Chucky was not possessed. Extreme Makeover: Doll Edition commences, and we see Chucky completely retouched and brought back to his former doll glory. As soon as the new eyes hit the sockets he electrocutes a guy through the machine and kills him. Like all good businessmen, the CEO orders them to cover up the accidental death and move forward. Later, the CEO jerk guy's assistant takes the doll home and, of course, Chuckster kills him. Yup, Chucky's back.

During the two year gap, Andy's been placed in foster care and mommy dearest is locked up in the loony bin, since the officers that were on the case are denying everything. A nice way to wrap up some loose ends of not being able to nab the same actors again. In the horror industry a sequel makes or breaks you, and more often than not the charm of the original film is lost under the weight of trying to rake in another couple million bucks. Thankfully, this is not one of those instances. Even with an almost entirely new cast, and although it is hammed up a bit more, they still manage to pull off what they had the first time around. The story isn't weak or lacking, it makes sense continuity-wise, and they didn't dumb down the doll or any of the creepiness from the original film. It wouldn't be a good sequel without Dourif returning to bring the creep-factor in two fold as our dear friend to the end. Also, I guess it's not too hard to book an 8 year old, as Vincent returns to continue his roll. His foster parents are Phil a.k.a. Bud the CHUD (Gerrit Graham), and Joanne a.k.a. Nurse Price (Jenny Agutter), which is a pretty awesomely weird horror mash-up. They are also fostering an almost-eighteen-year-old girl, Kyle (Christine Elise), who I'm sure every young boy, including Andy, had the hots for.

When Chucky first gets to Andy's new house, he meets the resident Good Guy, Tommy, and brains him and buries him in the yard, then taking his place in the house. When he first has to act as Tommy, the pause in the line “Hi, I'm... Tommy!” is pure genius. This time around, Chucky has amped up his determination quite a bit, since he already failed once. He follows Andy everywhere, trying to get a chance to play everyone's favorite game, Hide the Soul. Taking out Sparklemotion bitch who, surprise, plays a mean teacher, is one of my favorite kills. It's mostly due to the fact of how hateable she always is, not just in this flick. After he takes out new dad Phil and Andy looks guilty once again, sympathetic new mom Joanne turns on him and sends him back to the foster system. Kyle finds the “dead” Tommy in the backyard and takes Andy's side, and more or less takes on the roll of “mother” from part one, in helping save Tommy and prove him innocent.

The first movie had a seriously great end-movie climax scene that would surely be hard to top. However, I really like the ending to part 2 more. Chucky is steering Andy all the way to the toy factory, and Kyle chases him there. The shot of Andy running up to the factory receiving doors with Chucky on his back is excellent, only topped by Kyle's Indiana Jones move of rolling under the closing door. Once inside, the same cloud graphics from part one return as ol' Chuck does his voodoo hoodoo thing. She punts Chucky aside and guides Andy across all kinds of dangerous equipment to escape. One part is a production line of rolling bars, where Andy makes it all the way to the top and then slides back down again when he loses his grip. The camera follows him all the way down, and it's the coolest shot in the movie.

During the chase, Chucky looses his hand and replaces it with a knife by ripping off the handle and shoving the extended part of the blade into his arm stub. Pretty disgustingly badass. The chase continues and ultimately the kids best Chucky with the help of some various machinery, eventually causing him to absolutely explode into a gigantic goopy mess.

The end, again?

To Be Continued